We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something!
Mother Teresa

Monday, September 30, 2013

Birthday Confession

Birthday confession
I don't like to blog!
I do enjoy following several blogs and 
look forward to reading them. I'm impressed with
 their creativity and I'm always amazed with their photography.

Go ahead,
Ask me to run a marathon...I'm in!
Ask me to run another one...I'm in!
Ask me to watch your twins every Wednesday...I'm in!
Ask me to take you to the airport at 4:30 a.m...I'm in!
Ask me to bake cookies or scones and deliver them to your office...I'm in!
Ask me to join you at the AT&T store so you can get the newest version of iPhone...I'm in!

Ask me to make 
360 kathy's bags...I'm in!

Ask me to post a remembrance on what would have been 
Kathy's 62nd Birthday...I'm in!
For your birthday, Kathy, I hiked in YOUR shoes.
Lake Louis, Alberta, was 
one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.
 And mountain biking in YOUR shoes in Kimberly, British Columbia, was unexpected fun!

Please join me today as we remember the wonderful 
and friend
Kathy was!

 Kathy, we miss you today and everyday!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Custom Design

There are days when you feel helpless.
 I've offered to pray, and pray I can do. And I would like to ask you all to do the same for this precious little guy, Camden.  Camden was born 23 months ago with very low functioning kidneys, and has been on dialysis for his entire life.
Here he is calling up the Doctor and telling him, "It's time for my new kidney, Doctor!"  It's been a rough two years but the time has come for his mother, Carmen, to donate one of her kidneys to give life to her precious little son.  Today Camden will be admitted to the hospital to begin preparations to receive his new kidney.  Tomorrow morning Carmen will be admitted and the doctors will perform the transplant so that Camden may have a more normal quality of life.  

 I can pray, but I can also make a few custom kathy's bags for those who will be traveling back and forth to the hospital. 
My sweet friend Pam, Carmen's mother and Camden's "grammy pammy," will be spending the next 2 months helping out the family.

We will miss her but know she is right where she needs to be, lending her support.  I'm sure her daughter feels blessed knowing that this kind of sacrificial love is shared over multiple generations.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Kathy's favorite flower was a gerber daisy. 
And she loved the color orange.  
I still remember the bright orange bedspread we had 
on our bed, back in the day when children still shared rooms.
 It was 2 years ago today when Kathy was welcomed 
to her new home in heaven.
She is missed dearly by all those who loved her.  
Our mom especially has a hard time understanding why 
she was taken at such a young age.
Wherever you find yourself on this January day, grab your kathy's bag and enjoy where God has placed you.  He has provided the prefect day for each one of us. Embrace it, and thank him for all your many blessing.