We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something!
Mother Teresa

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Good Times Were Had In Wisconsin!

32 family members and friends joined together to honor Kathy at a 
Wisconsin Timber Rattlers Baseball Game.
(they're a farm team to the Milwaukee Brewers)
Kathy always enjoyed a night at the ball park.

Tailgating is a must before the main event!

Girls just want to have fun with a  few of the Aunties

The gang's all here!

No event is complete without your kathy's bag!
And a little silliness from one of the grandchildren.
Why does it always have to be one of mine?

All the girls in the family. And yes, Kathy was present...
She was on everyone of our shoulders!
Mom with all of her 8 grandchildren and their spouses plus 
3 beautiful great-grandchildren
on the steps of the Bero family cottage at Chain O' Lakes, Wisconsin,
one of God's fabulous creations.
How blessed we are to have these treasures to enjoy!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Three Generations of kathy's bag!

If this doesn't bring a smile to your face,
Nothing will!
Kathy's friend Judy asked me if I would make a kathy's bag for her daughters and grand-daughters.
She wanted to give them a bag for their birthdays.  The last birthday was in July and she sent me this adorable picture of them all with their kathy's bag.

I scaled down the size for the little girls.
And YES I had tears of JOY when I opened my e-mail and these pictures showed up on the screen.

This why I make kathy's bags!
We are now drawing near to the 100th kathy's bag on someone's shoulder.
That person might get an extra surprise in their kathy's bag!