We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something!
Mother Teresa

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Let's Choose to Rejoice!

It was this day, one year ago, that Kathy left this earth.  We can look back on this day with sadness or we can rejoice knowing Kathy is now able to spend eternity with her Lord and Savior.
I'm asking you to join me in rejoicing, knowing Kathy was able to leave behind her broken body and trade it in for a new and prefect body that will never fail her again.
I pray we can all move forward with complete confidence and faith knowing we all have that same hope of eternal life with Jesus as our Savior.

On this anniversary I ask each of you to fling your 
kathy's bag on your shoulder and say a prayer of thanksgiving for the lives Kathy has touched and will continue to touch.
With tears streaming down my cheeks, I remember you and miss YOU, my Dear Sister Kathy. 

I will always 
that I will see you again!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Years!

You may be thinking I'm a little late in wishing you all a Happy New Year!
My thought is you need to make it through Christmas before you bring on the New Year.
We'll be celebrating Christmas for the 3rd time on Sunday morning.
Yes, my Christmas tree is still up with presents under it, waiting to be opened by our daughter Alicia and our son-in-law Owen.  They will arrive into Spokane from Afghanistan this evening. 
I also have been busy updating the blog map.
Thanks to all of you, kathy's bag has been on the move.
kathy's bags are in 28 states and 20 different countries.  It's been fun to receive pictures and emails on all the places you've taken your kathy's bags.  The stories are touching, and we all like to believe that Kathy is orchestrating the events from her home in heaven.
Before I close up Christmas 2011, I thought I would share some picture of this year's first Christmas celebration. We spent it in Italy with Emily and her boyfriend Coby. OOPS, I guess that was last year!

Florence Italy
Emily is due for a new kathy's bag, but she likes this one so much she won't part with it.
 Jesus' Birthday Cake, a traditional-must at our house ever Christmas.
Opening a few gifts.  Every architecture student needs a new sketch book.

Our villa for the week!

The neighborhood!

The view from our deck.

Happy to spend time together.

Strolling trough the streets.

 Having a little fun!

The Beauty of Florence's Cathedral.

Happy New Year!