We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something!
Mother Teresa

Monday, May 28, 2012


Memorial Day,  a day to remember those 
who served our country and those so dear
to us that have left our sides way too early.

Emily called me Wednesday night 
as I was pulling in to the parking lot of the church 
for my Wednesday night Bible Study. 
"Do you want to hear a good story?" she asked. "I was cleaning out my car today when I came across several old plastic shopping bags.  I started scrounging through them before I threw them away when I came a cross an envelope. I opened it and there was a card from Aunt Kathy with a Starbucks gift card.
Aunt Kathy is still remembering 
me in my last two weeks at UW.
I'll be putting that Starbucks card 
to good use through finals."

That's just the kind of person Kathy was, sending Emily encouraging notes and small treats to let her know how special she was in her Aunt Kathy's eyes. 
 Not only do we remember her on this Memorial Day.
She also remember US.....

Sunday, May 13, 2012

To Honor A Fabulous Mother

These beautiful young women all participated in the 
Sole Burners 5k run/walk yesterday in 
Appleton, Wisconsin, to help raise money for the 
American Cancer Society.
Note those colorful kathy's bags on their shoulders.  
It looked like a fabulous day for a run!
I'm also attaching a link to an article that  appeared in the 
Appleton Post-Crescent last week.
It features Erin.
Please take a few minutes to read how Erin honors the outstanding mother my sister Kathy was.
Her two children miss her dearly on this Mother's Day.

Sole Burner participants honor cancer 
survivors and those lost to the disease