We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something!
Mother Teresa

Monday, March 11, 2013

Custom Design

There are days when you feel helpless.
 I've offered to pray, and pray I can do. And I would like to ask you all to do the same for this precious little guy, Camden.  Camden was born 23 months ago with very low functioning kidneys, and has been on dialysis for his entire life.
Here he is calling up the Doctor and telling him, "It's time for my new kidney, Doctor!"  It's been a rough two years but the time has come for his mother, Carmen, to donate one of her kidneys to give life to her precious little son.  Today Camden will be admitted to the hospital to begin preparations to receive his new kidney.  Tomorrow morning Carmen will be admitted and the doctors will perform the transplant so that Camden may have a more normal quality of life.  

 I can pray, but I can also make a few custom kathy's bags for those who will be traveling back and forth to the hospital. 
My sweet friend Pam, Carmen's mother and Camden's "grammy pammy," will be spending the next 2 months helping out the family.

We will miss her but know she is right where she needs to be, lending her support.  I'm sure her daughter feels blessed knowing that this kind of sacrificial love is shared over multiple generations.