We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something!
Mother Teresa

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Look what you can find in a kathy's bag!

This precious bundle of JOY blessed our world on Saturday, June 18. 
 She is named after her great-great grandmother, Georgia Fern.
See, grandma Fern was one of those grandmothers who would drop everything when
her grand or great-grandchildren walked into the house.
She made Shar--baby Georgia's  momma--always feel welcomed and blessed in her presence.
What a honor to name her precious baby girl after the person that made her feel so loved!
There is no doubt Kathy would have been that kind of Grandmother.
She made everyone feel special in her presence.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Beautiful Bag Ladies!

"Our jobs were what brought us together, supporting each other with our Christian faith is what sealed the deal. "
 Mary Ann Wagner,  Kathy's friend and co-worker 

Their connections were being over 50, Christian and working at Werner Electric in Neenah, Wisc. Kathy had just celebrated 40 years of employment at Werner Electric.  She was one dedicated employee right to the end.

They spent fun times together away from work.    They gathered at our mom's home on the Chain-O-Lakes, which included pontoon rides around the lakes. They attended concerts and musicals together but the fondest memories were from their Friday "over-nighters" in Milwaukee, which included sipping cocktails, shopping, viewing chick flicks and lounging in their PJs Saturday morning.

These five bags represent years of friendship, supporting each other through celebrations and defeats.

As Mary Engelbrite says...
Has No Blessing 
Like A Good 

Your friends sure miss you, Kathy.
 Your love and dedication as a true friend will live on in them forever.
Thanks for all the GOOD TIMES.  You were a dear, irreplaceable friend to all who knew you.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Seattle Chic

Emily was more excited receiving her kathy's bag than celebrating her 21st birthday with a special glass of wine, vinted in 1990, the year she was born. She was happy to have her kathy's bag on her shoulder as we dined at the Dahlia Lounge, one of Seattle's landmark restaurants.

Emily just finished her junior year at the University of Washington as an architecture student.  Her senior year classes will take her to Italy in the fall quarter and India in winter. Her plan is to visit Israel and Greece before landing in Rome to begin her studies. She will be strutting her kathy's bag on her shoulder as she ventures out into the world.  Oh, the fun and interesting places kathy's bags are able to go! 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My BFF Receives a kathy's bag for her Birthday

This blog would not exist without the assistance of my dear friend Kerri.
To start with Kerri designed and helped bring this blog to life.  When I couldn't figure out how to add and change things, she was there to talk me through my troubles.  God has blessed Kerri with the gift of encouragement.  She continues to encourage me and others to strive for their purpose in life.   
I am so thankful and blessed to call her my friend.

On Sunday we went to a grand luau to honor her daughter Emma's graduation, her husband Rob's 50th Birthday and Rob & Kerri's 30th wedding anniversary.  Most of the attendees probably didn't know it was also Kerri's birthday that day.  That's just the type of person she is--thinking of others before herself.

Wouldn't you agree they are a beautiful family both inside and out?

It was the party of 2011!