We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something!
Mother Teresa

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Big Void

I have to say fall is one of my favorite times of the year. The crisp, cool air, vibrant colors and the sound of crunching leaves make my walks in the woods extra special. 

Maybe having a November birthday adds to my love for fall.  Later on this week I'll experience a BIG void when a package does not arrive in the mail from Kathy.  I could always count on a unique gift that she'd pick up just for me on one of her strolls through a craft fair.  Craft fairs were one of those things she enjoyed doing on the weekends.

                                                                                           photo taken by Kerri Sandaine
This year I'm going to imagine that the gift she sends me is a quartet of birds that sing a special Happy Birthday song just for me.

And don't you know Kathy is dancing with delight when she sees precious little ones like these with kathy's bags on their shoulders.

As we kick off the holiday season, I pray you will also enjoy this season of life with family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deb,

    I always love reading your posts about Kathy. Last week I saw a gorgeous bench at church that had been donated in her honor. Beautiful! Also just wanted to make sure you got my payment for kathy's bag. I love it.

    It will bring a tear to my eye when Kathy's name is called and the bell rung for All Saints' Day. Her presence will always be felt at St. Mark's.

    Sometime when you're in Neenah and have time I'd love to meet you.

    God's Peace,
